ESE Course Information
Course Information: No PennKey Needed
If you do not have a PennKey and would like to view a list of ESE, EAS or other engineering courses, please visit the University’s Course Catalog. Please note that Penn InTouch (instructions are below) is the only way to access course information that is verified as accurate. Quick links to frequently-accessed course categories are as follows:
- Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE)
- Bioengineering (BE)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Computer and Information Science (CIS)
- Computer and Information Technology (CIT)
- Engineering and Applied Science (EAS)
- Engineering Mathematics (ENM)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
- Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM)
- Physics (PHYS)
Course Information: PennKey Needed
All current course information at Penn, including descriptions, instructors, and provided syllabi, is accessible by PennKey. Students, faculty and staff can log in to search for a particular course by subject code and number (Ex: ESE123), or by keyword and or/instructor. To see a list of all ESE courses being offered in the current term:
- Go to Penn InTouch
- Log in with your PennKey and Password
- Go to Course Search
- In the Course ID/Subject box, enter “ESE” and click “Find Courses”