ESE Faculty Committees and Leadership
Academic Year 2024-2025
ESE ABET Committee
The ABET chair oversees all ABET related efforts for the department. This standing committee will assess and evaluate core academic programs in compliance with the guidelines of the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET).
Chair: Deep Jariwala
Members: Andre DeHon, Santosh Venkatesh
Ex-Officio: Mark Allen, Sue Ann Allen
Staff Support: Tara Pandya, TBA, Danielle Kopicko
ESE Undergraduate Group Chair
The undergraduate group chair oversees all curricula committees and continually reviews the efficacy of our academic programs. The chair oversees each major and its evolution, including its curriculum, program outcomes, program objectives and assessment, coordinates courses across curricula and addresses course issues.
Chair: Deep Jariwala
Staff Support: TBA
ESE Curriculum Committees
All of our undergraduate programs have undergraduate committees that review the curriculum, suggest changes, enrich the program with new courses, etc. All such committees meet monthly under the supervision of the undergraduate group chair and the program curriculum chair. Some programs (CMPE) have committees with faculty from both ESE and CIS. The curricula committees bring major issues and all curriculum changes to the full ESE faculty for discussion and final approval.
Artificial Intelligence (ARIN):
George Pappas (Chair)
Zack Ives
Chris Callison Burch
Jacob Gardner
Hamed Hassani
Nikolai Matni
Alejandro Ribeiro
Eric Wong
Systems Science Engineering (SSE):
Deep Jariwala (Undergraduate Chair)
Santosh Venkatesh (Undergraduate Advising Chair)
Nikolai Matni
Electrical Engineering (EE):
Deep Jariwala (Undergraduate Chair, Program Chair, EE)
Mark Allen
Troy Olsson
Tania Khanna
Computer Engineering (CEPC):
Deep Jariwala (Undergraduate Chair)
Andre DeHon (Program Chair, CEPC)
Joseph Devietti
Benjamin C. Lee
Insup Lee
Jing Li
Boon Thau Loo
Rahul Mangharam
Camillo Taylor
Staff Support: TBA
ESE Graduate Group Chair and MSE Directors
The graduate curriculum chair has primary responsibility for overseeing the PhD program and coordinates efforts with additional faculty directors, who oversee master’s programs. Curriculum and student issues are discussed with additional faculty or with full faculty participation as needed. New courses, for example, bring together an ad hoc committee of relevant faculty for discussion and development, which are then reviewed, edited and approved by the full faculty.
Chair: Troy Olsson
MSE Directors: Tania Khanna (EE), Rakesh Vorha (SE)
Staff Support: Nicole Contosta (PhD), Liana Shallenberg (MSE, EE), Edward Chappell (MSE, SE)
ESE Faculty Search Committees
The faculty hiring review committee is divided into the three research themes. Along with the diversity search advisor, committee members review all applicants and discuss top candidates with the department chair.
ESE PhD Admissions
Three junior faculty, one from each research area, lead the PhD admissions review committee. This committee reviews all applications carefully and makes recommendations, highlighting the strongest candidates, allowing each faculty member to speed up their selection process. The committee will also support the annual PhD open house.
Members: Anthony Sigillito, Lei Gu, Antonio Loquerci
Staff Support: Nicole Contosta
ESE Colloquium Committee
The colloquium committee is composed of junior faculty who select, invite and host the ESE Colloquium, which brings in researchers from other universities as well as industry. In the spring semester, the Colloquium is mostly used for faculty recruiting.
Members: Lei Gu
Staff Support: Erin Dowling