• EE CPG Precedent List

EE CPG Precedent List: Category A

ESE 5180 IoT Wireless, Security, & Scaling
ESE 5750 Chips-measurements
ESE 6050 Modern Convex Optimization
ESE 6190 Model Predictive Control
ESE 6450 Deep Generative Models
ESE 6500 Learning in Robotics

EE CPG Precedent List: Category B

Approved NOT Approved
CIT 5950 Computer Systems Programming* MEAM 5200 Intro to Robotics
CIS 5190 Applied Machine Learning
CIS 5200 Machine Learning
CIS 5210 Artificial Intelligence
CIS 5480 Operating Systems Design and Implementation
CIS 5550 Internet and Web Systems
CIS 5710 Computer Organization and Design
CIS 5800 Machine Perception
CIS 5810 Computer Vision

EE CPG Precedent List: Category C

ENGR 5040 Fundamental Concepts in Nanotechnology

EE CPG Precedent List: Category D

Approved Courses NOT Approved
BE 5150 OIDD 6120  Business Analytics
BE 5210 Brain-Computer Interfaces OIDD 6360  SCALING OPERATIONS
BE 5300 Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience OIDD 6420 Analytics for Services
BE 5550 Nanoscale Systems Biology OIDD 6620  ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES
BMIN 5220 Natural Language Processing for Health OIDD 6720  Decision Support Systems
EAS 5020 Renewable Energy and Its Impacts: Technology, Environment, Economics, Sustainability OIDD 6910  NEGOTIATIONS
EAS 5030 Energy Systems and Policy FNCE 7170  Financial Derivatives
EAS 5110 Societal Grand Challenges at the Interface of Technology and Policy FNCE 6130  Macroeconomics and the Global Economic Environment
EAS 5470 Engineering Project Management from Theory to Practice  
EAS 5900 Commercializing Technology
ECON 6100 Microeconomic Theory (formerly ECON 681)
ECON 6110 Game Theory and Applications (formerly ECON 682)
ENMG 5020 Intro to Energy Policy
ENMG 5030 21st Century Energy Revolutions
ENMG 5050 Chokepoints & Global Energy
ENVS 5310 The History and Science of Climate Change
ENVS 6400
FNCE 6020
FNCE 6110
FNCE 7200
FNCE 7250  Fixed Income Securities
FNCE 7390  Behavioral Finance
LARP 7800 003  Landscapes of Extraction/Sequestration
LAWM 5060 Tech Law and IP for Non-Lawyers
LAWM 5380 Engineering Law and the State
MATH 5080  Advanced Analysis
MATH 5300 Mathematics of Finance
MATH 5940 Mathematical Methods of Physics
MATH 6770 Topics in Logic
MGMT 7310 Technology Strategy
MKTG 7120 Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions
MSE 5200   Structures of Materials
MSE5650 Fabrication and Characterization of Micro and Nanostructured Materials
MSE 6400    Optical Materials
OIDD 621 Decision Models and Uncertainty
OIDD 6530 Math.Model. & Applications
OIDD 676 Electronic Markets
OIDD 9000 Foundations of Decision Processes
OIDD9160 Advanced Integer Programming
OIDD 9300 Stochastic Processes I
OIDD 9310 Stochastic Processes II
OIDD 9340 Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Models
PHYS 5500 Mathematical Methods of Physics
PHYS 5511 (previosuly PHYS 511)
PHYS 512
PHYS 5518 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 5530 Modern Optical Physics & Spectroscopy (previously PHYS 530)
PHYS 5531 Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 5564 Laboratory Electronics
PHYS 5585 Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
STAT 5030/7700
STAT 5120 Mathematical Statistics
STAT 5200 Applied Econometrics I
STAT 5210 Applied Econometrics II
STAT 5330
STAT 5350/7110 (can NOT be “Campus: Online”)
STAT 5710 Modern Data Mining
STAT 9910 Seminar in Adv. App. of Statistics